It is human…

1 min readJun 3, 2022
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

It is human to be sad,

And get depressed,

And to cry all day.

It is human to be hurt,

And be angry,

And to want revenge.

It is human to be confused,

And feel anxious.

And feel distressed.

It is human to be afraid,

And to get frozen,

Or to try to escape.

It is human to want to be perfect,

And to try to improve,

And to try to change.

It is human to make mistakes,

And feel ashamed,

And do it again.

It is human to need others,

And to feel lonely,

And to feel despair.

But also it’s human:

To smile for something dumb

To dance when there’s no song

To love with all your heart

To thrive when there’s some sun,

To laugh when others do,

To run because you want,

To help because you can,

To give because you have

It’s human to forget that we are humans.

Give yourself a break,

Let yourself be human,

At least just for today.


